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GT Thésards

12 juin @ 17h00 - 18h00

[English below]

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

Pour le GTT/mini-cours de cette semaine, nous vous donnons rendez-vous cet après-midi à 16h30.
Nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter Siguang Qi (LJLL) nous parler : Introduction to Calderón-Zygmund theory.
L’exposé aura lieu en salle de 16-26 309, dans la limite des places disponibles, mais ne sera PAS accessible en ligne. 
Voici l’abstract de l’exposé :

« As a classical example of singular integral operators, the Calderón-Zygmund operators have been well understood from the point of view of L^p boundedness, in which the Hörmander condition characterizing compensated L^1 integrability of the kernel function plays a crucial role. However, the study of more complicated operators, especially those without a kernel function, requires a kernel-free version of the Hörmander condition. In this presentation, I will introduce the Calderón-Zygmund theory and a weakened Hörmander condition that does not involve pointwise kernel bounds. Finally, I will give an example of how this condition can be applied to the Riesz transform of elliptic operators in divergence form.« 
Et nous vous donnons bien sûr rendez-vous dès 16h00 pour le GTThé!

A tout à l’heure !
La GTTeam
Ludovic, Zhe

[French au dessus]


This week’s GTT/Mini-course will take place this afternoon at 4:30 pm. 
We will have the pleasure of listening to Siguang Qi (LJLL) who will present : Introduction to Calderón-Zygmund theory
The talk will take place in the room 16-26 309, and will NOT be available online.

The abstract of the talk is the following:

« As a classical example of singular integral operators, the Calderón-Zygmund operators have been well understood from the point of view of L^p boundedness, in which the Hörmander condition characterizing compensated L^1 integrability of the kernel function plays a crucial role. However, the study of more complicated operators, especially those without a kernel function, requires a kernel-free version of the Hörmander condition. In this presentation, I will introduce the Calderón-Zygmund theory and a weakened Hörmander condition that does not involve pointwise kernel bounds. Finally, I will give an example of how this condition can be applied to the Riesz transform of elliptic operators in divergence form. »

And we’ll meet as soon as 4:00pm for the Mini-coursnack!

See you soon!


Date :
12 juin
Heure :
17h00 - 18h00
Série :
Site :