Le mercredi à 17h en salle de séminaire

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Exposés à venir :

 The damped compressible Euler system: an example of a partially dissipative hyperbolic system. Valentin Lemarie (LAMA)

03 avril 2024 à 17h

In the 1960s, Shizuta and Kawashima studied a certain class of hyperbolic systems: those that are partially dissipative. They discovered a condition (now named after them) to prevent the appearance of singularities. Inspired by the recent revisiting of this condition by Beauchard and Zuazua, Danchin and Crin-Barat have developed a method for these systems that allows us to obtain results for the existence of global solutions in time on critical Besov spaces. We will explain, through the study of the damped compressible Euler system for isentropic flows, how to obtain this type of result.

Exposés passés :

Liste des exposés passés

Le séminaire a lieu sur le site de Jussieu:

4 Place Jussieu 75005 Paris
Salle des séminaires au 3ème étage, couloir 15-16
Accès : Metro ligne 7 et ligne 10, Bus ligne 67 ligne 89 station Jussieu.

Pour tout renseignement sur le GTT, contacter: Ludovic Souetre (ludovic.souetre[at]sorbonne-universite.fr) et Zhe Chen (zhe.chen[at]sorbonne-universite.fr)