Basic Courses

These courses are intended for the whole graduating class.

This training course aims at the following:

During this period, students must take at least four courses out of the five offered. Every course consists of a three-hour lecture, and a three-hour tutorial per week.

The methods of assessment consist of several exams that account for 12 ECTS.

At the end of this six-week period, students will have to choose their Major.

Course title Lecturer(s) Course Code
Partial derivative equations Fabrice Bethuel B001
Optimisation and functional analysis Hervé Le Dret B002
Probabilités pour les mathématiques de la modélisation Pierre Monmarché B003
Numerical methods for the non stationary EDP Edwige Godlewski B004
Function spaces Corentin Audiard B005
Mécanique des milieux continus Julien Waeytens