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The Laboratory
The origins of LJLL
Science for everyone
Scientific and institutional partners
50 years of LJLL
Gender equality, listening and prevention
Sustainable Development Committee
Practical Information
Access plan
Welcoming Newcomers
Mission and supplier forms
Responsabilities in the lab
Video Conference Room
Room reservations
Remote tools
Analysis of partial differential equations
Control, optimization, and inverse problems
Innovative numerical methods and high-performance computing
Applications to life sciences, humanities and social sciences
Applications to physics, chemistry, mechanics and engineering
Software developed in the laboratory
Preprint HAL
Laboratory Seminar
Nonlinear Analysis and PDE working group
Analysis, Algorithmics, Learning work group
Control work group
Infomath work group
ITER work group
Mathematics and chemistry (EMC2) work group
Maths, Bio and Health work group
NumerIQ work group
Mathematical general relativity work group
LJLL – INRIA Meetings work group
SE@SU work group
Doctoral student work group
JLL lessons
Other news
The Laboratory
The origins of LJLL
Science for everyone
Scientific and institutional partners
50 years of LJLL
Gender equality, listening and prevention
Sustainable Development Committee
Practical Information
Access plan
Welcoming Newcomers
Mission and supplier forms
Responsabilities in the lab
Video Conference Room
Room reservations
Remote tools
Analysis of partial differential equations
Control, optimization, and inverse problems
Innovative numerical methods and high-performance computing
Applications to life sciences, humanities and social sciences
Applications to physics, chemistry, mechanics and engineering
Software developed in the laboratory
Preprint HAL
Laboratory Seminar
Nonlinear Analysis and PDE working group
Analysis, Algorithmics, Learning work group
Control work group
Infomath work group
ITER work group
Mathematics and chemistry (EMC2) work group
Maths, Bio and Health work group
NumerIQ work group
Mathematical general relativity work group
LJLL – INRIA Meetings work group
SE@SU work group
Doctoral student work group
JLL lessons
Other news
Thèse C. Chen-Yu le 11/01/19
January 9, 2019
La soutenance de thèse de Chiang Chen-Yu, intitulée “Transport in biological systems. Monolithic method for fluid-structure interaction” aura lieu à 10h00 le mardi 11 janvier 2019 en salle 16-26-323.
Numerical introduction to optimal transport
Mathématiques pour la neutronique
See all news