
September 2017 – Present
Paris, France

Associate Professor

Sorbonne university

October 2016 – August 2017


Inria Rennes- Bretagne Atlantique

Member of the IPSO team
September 2013 – September 2016
Nice, France

PhD Student

Nice university & Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée

Member of the COFFEE team

Selected Publications

In this article, we study the large-population limit of interacting particle systems posed on weighted random graphs. In that aim, we introduce a general framework for the construction of weighted random graphs, generalizing the concept of graphons. We prove that as the number of par- ticles tends to infinity, the finite-dimensional particle system converges in probability to the solution of a deterministic graph-limit equation, in which the graphon prescribing the interaction is given by the first moment of the weighted random graph law. We also study interacting particle systems posed on switching weighted random graphs, which are obtained by resetting the weighted random graph at regular time intervals. We show that these systems converge to the same graph-limit equation, in which the interaction is prescribed by a constant-in-time graphon.

In this paper, we study a model for opinion dynamics where the influence weights of agents evolve in time via an equation which is coupled with the opinions’ evolution. We explore the natural question of the large population limit with two approaches: the now classical mean-field limit and the more recent graph limit. After establishing the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the models that we will consider, we provide a rigorous mathematical justification for taking the graph limit in a general context. Then, establishing the key notion of indistinguishability, which is a necessary framework to consider the mean-field limit, we prove the subordination of the mean-field limit to the graph one in that context. This actually provides an alternative (but weaker) proof for the mean-field limit. We conclude by showing some numerical simulations to illustrate our results.
In Journal of Differential Equations, 2021

We provide a rigorous derivation of the linear Boltzmann equation without cut-off starting from a system of particles interacting via a potential with infinite range as the number of particles N goes to infinity under the Boltzmann-Grad scaling.
The main difficulty in our context is that, due to the infinite range of the potential, a non- integrable singularity appears in the angular collision kernel, making no longer valid the single- use of Lanford’s strategy.
Our proof relies then on a combination of Lanford’s strategy, of tools developed recently by Bodineau, Gallagher and Saint-Raymond to study the collision process, and of new duality arguments to study the additional terms associated to the long-range interaction, leading to some explicit weak estimates.
In Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2017

Recent Publications

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A particle system is said to be non-exchangeable if two particles cannot be exchanged without modifying the overall dynamics. Because …

In this article, we study the large-population limit of interacting particle systems posed on weighted random graphs. In that aim, we …

Recent & Upcoming Talks

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Les interactions sociales entre des individus ont le pouvoir de faire évoluer leurs opinions sur un large spectre de sujets : des …

In this talk, we start by studying a particular model for opinion dynamics where the influence weights of agents evolve in time via an …

Lors du congrès international des mathématiciens en 1900, Hilbert énonça le problème de l’axiomatisation de la physique. Plus …

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Le 26 Avril 2024, Sorbonne Université a accueilli une nouvelle journée Filles, Maths, Informatique, une équation lumineuse après la …

Présentation du stage : “Cette année, la Régionale de Lille de l’APMEP propose pour la première fois un stage de mathématiques et …

Les lauréats du Prix d’Alembert de la Société Mathématique de France ont été annoncés lundi 8 Avril 2024. L’objectif …

🎙️ Après une première saison de dix épisodes, dont un enregistré en public à l’Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques et un …

En raison de mon “engagement remarquable de transmission des mathématiques vers la société”, j’ai eu l’honneur …


Influence du stochastique sur des problématiques de changement d’échelle
Defended on Sept 19, 2016 at the J.A. Dieudonné laboratory in Nice university.


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