"Running performance helped by mathematical research" : Étant donné une distance à courir, du 100 m au 10 000 m, on se pose la question de comment répartir son effort pour faire le meilleur temps. (en vidéo : la conférence donnée dans le cadre du cycle "Mathématiques étonnantes") |
Solving Optimisation Problems Online. This site allows anyone to write and solve optimisation problems online in Python. All scripts can be edited and run directly on the site. A help page and a F.A.Q. are available. |
The Javascript version of FreeFEM works straight out of an HTML page, on any recent internet browser, both online or offline, on any operating system where such a browser is available. |
Rendering LATEX documents as Literate FreeFEM Programs. |
FreeFEM-cs, an integrated development environment for FreeFEM. The client/server framework of this interface will enable computation and visualization on different machines (including parallel ones). |
As much information as possible on applied mathematics software on one web page. |
Gallery presenting some numerical simulations performed by members of the Jacques-Louis Lions Laboratory. |