Some Previous Projects
Participated to the SeLaLib modular library for the kinetic and gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak plasmas by the semi-lagrangian method, in cooperation with Martin Campos Pinto.
An easy-to-use web interface demonstrating Jacques-Louis Lions Laboratory software.
The University of Paris 6 Jacques-Louis Lions Laboratory was equiped with a stereoscopic visualisation setup. Here are the technical details.
In cooperation with the RMOD project. Visualizes air flow inside lungs (time-independant - time-dependant).
World Wide Web version of a talk given during HPCN 96 in Brussels. The underlying work (done while at Oxford University) answers to the question : is BSP (and the implemented library BSPlib) a viable alternative to a well-known parallel communications library as MPI or PVM ?
Scientific pictures and videos created while at Oxford University Computing Laboratory.
Slides from 1991 at INRIA (Rocquencourt, France). Application of Boltzmann fluxes to the numerical solution of Navier-Stockes equations.