MAMCDP 2009 Workshop    
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Multiresolution and Adaptive Methods
for Convection-Dominated Problems

January 22–23, 2009
Paris, France

MAMCDP'09 is intended to promote multiresolution and other adaptive techniques for complex applications where convection is the prevailing phenomenon.

Presentations  will be given by invited speakers and by both senior and young researchers from various institutions. Proceedings will be published in ESAIM proc.

The workshop is open to anyone who wishes to attend. For a better organization, we strongly recommend all participants to register. By registering, you will also receive updated information about the program as well as other practicalities. Registration is free of charge. 

This event is organized by a joint team that includes researchers from university and industry within the scope  of an Équipe de Recherche Technologique (ERT) approved by the French Ministère de la Recherche.  It is sponsored by the Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI).


Slides of most talks can be downloaded from the schedule page

Dead line to submit proceedings is 2009, April 1st




© MAMCDP09 Last updated: October 23, 2008