The purpose of the BOURGEONS project is to investigate several aspects of fluid dynamics which all play an important role in geophysical flows and their environmental applications. It is organized around two main topics which strongly expanded in recent years, and for which we will address both fundamental and applied aspects: (i) the dynamics of floating objects, congested flows and extreme waves; and (ii) the analysis of boundary layers and vortices.
The project gathers more than 30 researchers, PhD students and post-docs. It started in December 2023 and will end in November 2027.

Project members

T. Alazard, V. Banica, G. Beck, P. Bonneton, D. Bresch, C. Collot, A.-L. Dalibard, E. Dormy, I. Gallagher, Th. Gallay, D. Gérard-Varet, E. Grenier, M. Hillairet, M. Kazakova, C. Lacave, D. Lannes, F. Marbach, F. Marche, E. Miot, M. Parisot, C. Perrin, C. Prange, M. Rigal, F. Rousset, L. Saint-Raymond, F. Sueur, M. Tucsnak, A. Venaille.

Post-doc positions

The ANR project BOURGEONS and the former ERC project BLOC offer a two-year postdoctoral position, starting September 2024. This postdoc will be hosted by the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (Sorbonne université) and supervised by project members based in Paris. We welcome applications from recent PhD graduates in PDEs, preferably with a background in fluid mechanics.
To apply, please upload a single PDF file on the following link.
This PDF file should contain the following items:
  1. cover letter;
  2. CV with list of publications;
  3. research description (maximum 2 pages);
Support letters can be joined, or sent separately to Anne-Laure Dalibard.
Deadline: March 15th 2024.

Conferences, summer schools and events co-funded by the project