I am assistant professor of mathematics at the Jacques-Louis Lions Laboratory.
My home institution is Sorbonne Université, Faculty of Science & Engineering, and I am currently a guest at the Wolfgang Pauli Institute in the University of Vienna.
Prior to that, I have been a mathematics and life sciences post-doctoral fellow at ÉNS Paris-Saclay, funded by the Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard.
In 2012 I defended my PhD on the subject of reaction-diffusion fronts and localized defects, under the supervision of professor Jean-Guy Caputo.
PhD in Mathematics, 2012
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées Rouen Normandie
MSc in Mathematics with Agrégation, 2008
École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay
BSc in Mathematics, 2005
Université Paris-Saclay
Responsibilities include:
in charge of the double major bachelor programme ( french) in Biology and Mathematics that takes place in Roscoff. The so-called LBM for licence biologie-mathématiques has a Facebook page that you can check out!
organizer of the seminar ( french) of Roscoff marine station.
member of the steering committee of the Systems Biology Network at Sorbonne University.
From ObseRving to Modeling oceAn Life