ub-Riemannian Geometry and Interactions

Projet ANR SRGI  (2015--2021)  ANR-15-CE40-0018

Permanent participants:

POLE 2 (Inria)
POLE 3 (Toulon)
POLE 4 (Grenoble)
Emmanuel Trélat
(coordinator of the project)
Ugo Boscain
(coordinator of Pole 2)
Jean-Paul Gauthier
(coordinator of Pole 3)
Yves Colin de Verdière
(coordinator of Pole 4)
Davide Barilari
Yacine Chitour
Nicolas Boizot
Grégoire Charlot
Roberta Ghezzi
Frédéric Jean
Francesco Rossi
Luca Rizzi
Barbara Gris Pierre Pansu

Hervé Pajot
Luc Hillairet Jean Petitot

Constantin Vernicos
Camille Laurent Dario Prandi

Ludovic Rifford Mario Sigalotti

Séverine Rigot Alain Trouvé

Non-permanent participants:
Francesco Boarotto (postdoc ANR, Poles 2 and 3), Valentina Franceschi, Erlend Grong, Mathieu Kohli, Cyril Letrouit, Thomas Mietton, Gabriel Pallier, Sofya Maslovskaya, Tommaso Rossi, Ludovic Sacchelli, Nikhil Savale (postdoc ANR, Poles 1 and 4).

Resume of the project.

Link to the Seminar of Sub-Riemannian Geometry, at Jussieu.

Main events:
- Kick-off day: 2015-11-04 (Paris 6). Schedule.
- Journée "Autour du Laplacien sous-Riemannien", Grenoble, 13 octobre 2016. Affiche. See videos.
- International Conference Geometric Analysis in Control and Vision Theory, Bergen - Voss, Norway, May 2016.
- One-week conference New trends in semiclassical analysis, Chalès (Région Centre, France), December 2016.
- International Conference "Mathematical Control Theory" (with a special session in honor of G. Stefani), Porquerolles, June 2017.
- International Conference "Microlocal analysis, resonances and control theory in PDEs", Sardinia, October 2017.
- Journées sous-Riemanniennes 2017, Grenoble, 17-18 octobre 2017.
- Workshop "Cortical Inspired Non-Holonomic Control for Imaging", Paris, IHP, 28 November 2017. Schedule.
- Conference "Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Beyond", Jyväskylä, Finland, 19--23 February 2018.
- Conference "Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Topolò(gy)", Topolò, Italy, 28-29 juin 2018.
- Journées sous-Riemanniennes 2018, Grenoble, 16-17 octobre 2018.
- Workshop "Cortical models for visual perception and imaging applications", Paris, IMJ, 22 November 2018.
- Conference "Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Beyond. II", Jyväskylä, Finland, 18--22 February 2019.
- Conference "Shape analysis in biology", Paris, 21--22 november 2019.
- Conference "Cortical inspired models for vision and phenomenology of perception", Paris, 23--24 April 2020.
- Final SRGI Conference, Paris, September 7--11 2020.

Publications issued from the project (Hal acronym: SRGI, ref.: ANR-15-CE40-0018):