Pablo López Rivera


I am a second year PhD student in mathematics at the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (LJLL), Université Paris Cité (formerly Université Paris VII, Diderot), under the supervision of Max Fathi.

Previously, in 2022 I completed my master’s degree at Sorbonne Université (formerly Université Paris VI, Pierre et Marie Curie) and my BSc at Universidad de Chile in 2020.

Research interests

I am mainly interested in probability theory and its intersections with analysis and geometry.

More precisely, I aim to understand how these disciplines interact through the study of optimal transport and its entropic regularization, functional inequalities, Markov diffusion processes and Bakry-Émery calculus.

Where to find me?

Bureau 5031, Université Paris Diderot, UFR de Mathématiques
Bâtiment Sophie Germain
8 place Aurélie Nemours, 75013 Paris.

Otherwise, feel free to contact me (in English, French or Spanish) at my email address:

plopez [at]