an integrated environment for FreeFEM
Antoine Le Hyaric, Jacques-Louis Lions Laboratory.

FreeFEM in Javascript

This project creates a Javascript version of FreeFEM. It builds an executable that works straight out of an HTML page, on any recent internet browser, both online or offline. It can also build a universal standalone Javascript executable which runs anywhere thanks to Node.js.


Please download ffkernel and fflib, and unpack them next to the ffjs directory. Several binary versions can be compiled : dev (development version; the default), min (optimized for speed and minimum size) and native. To create binaries for any architecture (result in bin_arch) :

make -j BINTAG=arch BINGOAL=all


What is the required computer configuration?

Once compiled, FreeFEM-js works on any computer or smartphone. It runs as a Javascript library in the internet browser. No download or install is required.

Where are the numerical computations done?

There is no computational server. FreeFEM-js runs on the machine where a browser is opened. Scripts saved locally as HTML pages with their Javascript dependencies will still work as they do not depend on any online facility.

Is there a risk of virus infection?

FreeFEM-js runs inside the Javascript virtual machine, which is built to stop viruses.

How to run FreeFEM-js scripts when disconnected from the internet?

Saving an HTML page containing FreeFEM-js to a local disk is enough to make it available offline. Saving a page can also be useful to keep a record of a modified script or to save on slow or data-capped internet connections.

Do all FreeFEM scripts run?

At the moment, scripts will work only if they do not contain the following features (which are not compiled into Javascript yet) :

With many thanks to the following projects, used in the making of ffjs


Sha256 checksums are available.

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