Eighth workshop on generic dolvers for PDEs:

 FreeFem++ and its Applications

Paris, Jussieu, UPMC, December 8,9, 2016




INSCRIPTION,       Information.       AFFICHE/POSTER .


The sponsors: ANR Becasim 




Day 1:  Thursday, December 8th 2016


Morning session [ location: Corridor 15-16, floor 1, room 101 ] LJLL (plan  Campus Jussieu) ]





F. Hecht (LJLL, UPMC) 

FreeFem++ : status  and future (pdf,zip (hecht data: FH.pdf + all edp script) )


Coffee Break


Cedric Doucet (INRIA, UPMC)

News about install add cmake  ( slides pdf )


Pierre Jolivet (CNRS/IRIT/ENSEEIHT/Toulouse)

FreeFem++ distributed solvers: status and future
(pdf )


Atsushi Suzuki (Cydermedia Center, Osaka University, Japan )

Implementation of a parallel sparse direct solver on vector architecture
(pdf )


[ location: Rotonde 26, floor 3]



Afternoon session  Freefem++ training sessions (please bring your laptop)



Aina RAKOTONDRANDISA (LMRS, Univ. Rouen, France)

Simulation of phase-change materials with an adaptive finite-element method (pdf )
[ location: Corridor 15-16, floor 3, room 309 ]


I. Danaila

Basic Tutorial (part 1): generate a mesh, solve a linear PDE, ... .
( the zip file of the directory tutorial,
the directory tutorial)
[ location: Corridor 15-16, floor 3, room 309 ] 

14h30- 18h00

F. Hecht  

Expert Tutorial (part 1): How-to parallelize a script
( the zip file of the directory tutorial,
the directory tutorial )
[ location: Corridor 16-26, floor 1, room 113 ]






Day 2:  Friday, December 9th 2016


Morning session [ location: Corridor 15-16, floor 3, room 309 ]  



Martin Campos Pinto CNRS/LJLL

From particle methods to hybrid semi-lagrangian schemes (pdf)


Christopher Albert Technische Universität Graz Institut für Theoretische Physik - Computational Physics

Dimensionality reduction using an edge finite element method for periodic magnetostatic fields in a symmetric domain ( pdf , the edp script file , )


Coffee Break


Katsushi Ohmori^(1) and Atsushi Suzuki^(2) 1) Faculty of Human Development, University of Toyama , (2) Cydermedia Center, Osaka University, Japan

  Finite element computation of two-phase flow with level set method and explicit interface detection (pdf )


Frédéric Nataf , CNRS/LJLL/INRIA

Microwave Imaging for Brain Stroke Detection and Monitoring using High Performance Computing .(pdf ,
V. Dolean, P. Jolivet and F. Nataf, An Introduction to Domain Decomposition Methods: algorithms, theory and parallel implementation (SIAM book) )


Marcela Szops (IRMA,Cemosis,Université de Strasbourg, France) 

Boundary conditions involving pressure for the Stokes problem and applications in computational hemodynamics(pdf)


Ryadh Haferssas (LJLL/Alpines/UPMC/INria)  

Optimised interfaces for domain decomposition method applied to solid and fluid mechanics (pdf)


[ location: Rotonde 16, floor 3]


Charles Dapogny (LJK / Université Joseph Fourier / Grenoble ) 

Geometric constraints for shape and topology optimization in architectural design(pdf)

[ location: Corridor 14-24, floor 1, room 110 ]


Sergey Grolovin (Novosibirsk, Russia ) 

Modelling of hydraulic fracturing and hemodynamical flows using freefem++

[ location: Corridor 14-24, floor 1, room 110 ]


Afternoon session Freefem++ training sessions (please bring your laptop)



O. Pantz / O. Pironneau  

Basic Tutorial (part 2):
( the zip file of the directory tutorial,
the directory tutorial)
[ location: Corridor 14-24, floor 1, room 110 ]


F. Hecht

Expert Tutorial (part 2):  a None trivail use of FreeFem++
( the zip file of the directory tutorial,
the directory tutorial)

[ location: Corridor 14-24, floor 1, room 112 ]