Chloe Audebert

MATIDY - Mathematical model of Adipose TIssue DYnamic

MATIDY (ANR-20-CE45-0003-01) project is funded by ANR (JCJC CE45)

Recently, diseases related to obesity have emerged as a serious and increasing public health issue worldwide. Indeed, adipose tissue is central in many physiological pathways involved in these diseases. Clarifying the dynamics of adipocyte size and number evolution is crucial to better understand the pathophysiological basis of those related diseases. We will study adipocyte size dynamics with mathematical models based on biological data, in particular in various health conditions (healthy, obesity, kidney diseases). We aim to mimic characteristic cell size distributions and therefore provide information on their connections with health conditions.

Our goal is to develop a mathematical model that describes the adipocyte size dynamics, based on exchange of lipids, including the recruitment of new adypocytes and the constraints of fibrosis development. The available data will be used to parameterize the model through adapted parameter estimation procedures that we will develop. We will describe the time evolution of adipocyte size, in control situation for several animal species, after fat diet or caloric restriction, and in obese patients that underwent bariatric surgery.

This highly interdisciplinary project builds on a strong collaboration between biologists, physicians and applied mathematicians.

Workshop organization
  • Mathematical models of lipid transport and storage, from November 5th to 7th, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France
    Registration and workshop information here.
  • December 9th 2024: team meeting, Paris
  • October 15th 2024: team meeting, Paris
  • October 3rd 2024: team meeting, Paris
  • July 5th 2024: team meeting, Paris
  • June 12th 2024: team meeting, Paris
  • April 25th 2024: team meeting, Paris
  • March 29th 2024: team meeting, Paris
  • February 15th 2024: team meeting, Paris
  • January 25th 2024: team meeting, Paris
  • December 19th 2023: team meeting, Paris
  • October 9th 2023: PhD defence Léo Meyer, Orléans
  • July 4th 2023: team meeting, Paris
  • April 5th 2023: team meeting, Paris
  • December 7th 2022: team meeting, Paris
  • June 29th 2022: team meeting, Paris
  • May 24th 2022: team meeting, Orléans
  • April 5th 2022: team meeting, Paris
  • March 3rd 2022: team meeting, Orléans
  • Febuary 4th 2022: team meeting, Paris
  • January 4th 2022: team meeting, Paris
  • November 19th 2021: team meeting, Paris
  • October 18th 2021: team meeting, Orléans
  • September 21st 2021: team meeting, Paris
  • September 10th 2021: team meeting, Paris
  • January 25th 2021: Kick-off meeting, visio